Dissolve and Resolve Emotions® (DARE™)

Leaflet available in therapy room

Trained by Joy Wisdom, please check www.allonus.co.uk

Clients Testimonials:

"Two years ago I was intrigued at what Sophie had suggested for me to do in order for me to help and deal with my mental state of mind. Going through a lot in life from a young age till now I had harboured a lot of negative emotions. Anger, fear, stress and anxiety were also part of the parcel too. All I wanted was a release of all this emotion and get on with my life, easier said than done!

On the very first meeting with Sophie she had suggested I do a Diamond Inguz session as I’ve never done it and also gives Sophie the chance to analyse the areas that were troubling me. After the success of Diamond Inguz session Sophie had suggested going into these emotions deeper and try and resolve it which involves a longer session and this is where DARE was introduced. During the session I was made comfortable and a bit apprehensive on my part as I didn’t know what would come out of all this and as I have always been in control with my emotions, allowing someone else to come in and tap these emotions was a very scary thought not knowing how I would react with it all. I was felt warm and welcome and my surroundings were calm and soothing, Sophie always checked if I was ok throughout the whole session and reminded me if I wanted to stop her at anytime during the session if it was getting too much for me. I never felt evasive at any point of the session as I knew I was in good hands and trusted my practitioner to dig in deeper to my emotions. Many emotions were tapped into and a lot of memories did come into my mind as each hurt and pain was tackled. Forgiving people and your past is vital for anyone to move on and I was reminded of that during the session. Having someone there with me during this time was beneficial as I wasn’t dealing with it or going through it by myself. I was amazed at myself for having gone through such a long session and coped with it relatively well throughout, I think at one point I went to sleep as I was so calm and relaxed and yes I would say it’s a relief for someone else dealing with the harboured emotions for a change! Sophie had said after the session it will take a few weeks a couple of months for the change in emotion, so to expect fluctuations of feelings during these times. Everyone is different and for me it took me a few months to register myself and be in control with myself. Having said that I was at a point in life where many things were happening. Major decisions in life needed to be taken and a drastic change in life was taking place not to forget a blast from the past. All in all it was a turning point in life. When I look back and reflect since I’ve done DARE and my life I would say that DARE has helped me cope with many of the issues in my life if not all aspects of my life and my way of thought. Fear was the biggest enemy in my life as I had shied away from everything from work, friends and family. With fear I was unable to move on, make decisions or even enjoy life. The positive outcomes that have happened after my DARE session I can say I am now at a better position and control than I was before. Simple things like, going out with my friends and building up a friends circle, where I can now use my judgement and think clearly of the choices I make in life and who should or should not be involved. I’m a lot happier that I am succeeding even if they are baby steps. I’m not falling anymore but able to walk with my head held high because of the understanding and forgiveness I had been shown and given in order for me to move on. As you can see it’s not something that happens overnight and for me it did take a lot of time effort and perseverance to get to where I am standing today. Each and everyone of us are different and we respond back in different ways but DARE has lightened alot of anxiety and fear inside of me that I have now learnt to build back the true person that I am today and hope that I can only get better as time moves on. I recommend this to anyone who needs to get rid of harbouring negative issues and emotions to give it a try. I still see Sophie and I know I will continue to use other therapies that Sophie offers, as I still need to let things go and yes stress will always be there but after my DARE session I now know that I have succeeded and conquered all my negativities and I have the courage and positivity to deal with any outcome’s good or bad in my life in the present time and in the future. Like wine the longer you mature it the better it gets!" S

"Testimonial from a client :

How did you feel after your treatment?

As if a huge weight had been lifted off my whole being. My body felt a lot lighter.

Felt also quite tired, as if “I had been around the world and back” Pain in left shoulder had eased and it was a lot easier to move.

Your experience of the treatment?

Felt overwhelming emotions, my body felt quite disjointed especially around my head/ neck and limbs. I felt as if I was turning away to my left side, being rolled over? Knew I wasn’t asleep but felt almost as if I was dreaming and not quite physically present. Felt a lot of movement of energy in my body. Cold patches and breeze around my face. Gradually any sensations of feeling uncomfortable and in pain eased and seemed to peel away." A